
Easy-Edit Affiliate/Partner Program

Provide your members with an easy & affordable way
of getting their small business on the web

Benefits to your organization:

Customized Easy Edit Program - The easy edit website that your members receive will be customized based on your specifications –custom design, custom pages, choose from a variety of features - at no cost to you.

Huge added value – Add value to the service that you offer your members by providing a service that is in great demand- at no cost to you.

Discounted Price for your members – The Easy Edit Website program will be significantly discounted for your members.

Cutting Edge Education - The main marketing question that most small business owners are asking is how do I get my business in the search engines. Offer your members a Internet Marketing Educational Resource that is second to none.

Improve Your Websites SEO - Each Easy Edit website will have a link back to your website which will have a huge impact on your search engine ranking and positioning.

For more information contact Mikel Bruce at 888-282-7818 or mikel@webflexor.com.

Remember that An Internet Presence is critical for any small business.

When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide Web.... Now even my cat has its own page. ~Bill Clinton

Almost overnight, the Internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business must. ~Bill Schrader, Founder of PSINet (one of the first and largest ISP’s)

The message for business people contemplating their place in cyberspace is simple and direct: get linked or get lost. ~ Kenan Pollack, Associate Producer for US News & World Reports

There are three kinds of death in this world. There's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the network. ~Guy Almes, Chief Engineer for Internet 2